
My name is Eduardo, but I'm thinking you already knew that. I was born between two countries at a time when U2 and Luis Miguel dominated the airwaves. While being shaped by American systems and being formed by Mexican culture, my design sensibilities tend to favor simplicity and efficiency.

I have a mild obsession with everything Star Wars, and I thoroughly enjoy a good movie that'll leave me pondering long after I've seen it. I also love a good video games (Anything Nintendo like Zelda and Mario Kart, Last of Us, Journey, and more) and often find myself captivated by new technologies. Concerts and live music are also something I very much love to immerse myself in.

I currently reside in New York City where I design for human experiences at the intersection of Health and Technology—print, digital, and out of home.

Below are a couple of links to get you more familiarized with my work and skillset.

Resume | Health Work (inquire for password)